Keep your eyes on the road. Naturally, it’s good advice, but it doesn’t speak to your other senses. Your ears, for example, are doing tons of work when you’re driving, helping you monitor other vehicles, calling your attention to info on your dashboard, and keeping you connected with the other people in your vehicle. So […]
When should you get a hearing test? Here are four indicators that you need to get your hearing tested. Recently, my kids complained about how loud my TV was. And guess what my reply was. I said, “What”? It was a joke. I thought it was funny. But it also wasn’t. The TV has been […]
The buzzing in your ear keeps worsening. At first, you could barely notice it. But after being at the construction site all day (for work), you’ve realized just how noisy (and how persistent) that buzzing has become. These noises can take many forms, such as ringing, buzzing, or any number of noises. You’re considering coming […]
The last time you had dinner with family, you were pretty aggravated. Not because of any intra-family episode (though there’s always some of that). No, the problem was that you couldn’t hear a thing over the loud noise of the room. So you didn’t get the chance to ask about Dave’s new cat or Sally’s […]
You finally got your new hearing aids. You’re finally going to be able to get back into the groove of your social life again. Now, you won’t be missing parts of conversations or going through uncomfortable transitions. But there’s a problem: everything sounds just a little off. That’s because it’ll probably take you a while […]
Your sense of hearing is important in your life and when you lose it, there will be no natural way of getting it back. But strangely, the general public tends to disregard hearing loss. As a matter of fact, permanent hearing loss impacts one out of eight individuals (nearly 30 million people) 12 and older […]
Intimacy isn’t normally the first thing that comes to mind when you think about hearing aids. We get it. The advertising on these little devices is rather straightforward. Less defined expressions such as poetry, music, and art are more suited to the subject of love. But you might want to start viewing your hearing aid […]
It’s commonly said that hearing loss is a gradual process. That’s part of what can make it quite pernicious. Your hearing gets worse not in huge leaps but by tiny steps. And that can make the gradual decline in your ears challenging to keep track of, particularly if you aren’t watching for it. Because of […]
One way your body delivers information to you is through pain response. It’s not a very enjoyable approach but it can be beneficial. When that megaphone you’re standing near goes too loud, the pain allows you to know that significant ear damage is happening and you instantly (if you’re wise) cover your ears or remove […]
If you cut your leg, it heals. If you stub your toe, it may feel painful and swollen but the inflammation will subside, and you’ll feel better pretty soon. Even if you break a bone, when correctly set, it will heal. But what if your hearing is damaged? Can the inner ear heal itself? Will […]